soul stories spirit portrait art from spirit, energy art

Soul Portrait & Spirit Portrait

Soul Portraits and Spirit Portraits tell soul stories and provide messages form Spirit!
Artist and almost 30 yrs as an evidential medium, Brent Atwater’s
Soul Stories and Spirit portraits is an art class from Spirit. Its evidential art as a medium because the painting is directed from your departed Loved One’s Spirit whether pet or person. Connect with your special person or pet in Spirit to remember them in an everlasting expression of love -the painting you create together.

Learn to Paint your Soul’s story and Spirit Portrait

Artist and evidential medium Brent Atwater’s Soul Stories and Spirit portraits is an art class from Spirit. Its evidential art as a medium and directed from your departed Loved One’s Spirit whether pet or person. Connect with your special person or pet in Spirit to remember them in an everlasting expression of love -the painting you create together.
Learn to:
Link with and channel Spirit
Understand Auras & Life Force Energy
Understand Color & Symbols

NO, your guidance and painting techniques are directed by Spirit 
Evidence of your connection and relationship with Spirit
Everlasting and tangible bond to your Loved One.